Retractable screen doors are designed to keep insects outside while you have your doors and windows open for maximum ventilation. Retractable screens are not a security screens. They provide no security to your doors & windows.
Roller type spring loaded retractable screen doors do have an optional latch. However, the latch is only designed to make the retractable screen door a little more difficult for unwanted guests to enter .

Customers often ask what keeps our pleated retractable screens closed when in use. One, of many unique features of the pleated retractable screen is that wherever you put it – that is where it stays. If you open the screen only half way to walk through, when you let go it will still be right where you left it.
Our concertina type retractable screens don’t utilise the traditional spring-loaded retraction system (like the Phantom, Freedom, Eclipse, Genius and others) so there is no force pulling them open, and therefore no need to use a magnet, latch, lock or hook to keep them closed.
This is an especially appealing feature on the double door screens. With most retractable screens you either have to hold one screen closed while walking through the other or use some sort of a lock, pin or latch to hold one of the screens stationary. On our pleated retractable screens this isn’t necessary because they stay wherever you put them. No fighting the spring tension or worrying about activating a magnet.
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